I Spy Blood

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

It has been five weeks since increasing my meds for my most recent ulcerative colitis flare-up. While my bowel movements have returned to normal, and I have been without any pain for almost the full duration of the five weeks, I still am spotting random blood here and there. Not with every bowel movement, but occasionalyl I still see the red on my toilet paper.

This seems to be a common trend whenever I am on prednisone. The steroid always seems to make the blood last a bit longer, and when I go off, or taper off, the blood usually goes away. I am one week away from the beginning of being tapered off my ulcerative colitis steroids, so here's crossing my fingers to the blood going away with it.

I also have seen some random mucus as well, though that is much more rare than the blood. Looks like a colonoscopy is in my near future!

Following up with my ravenous appetite, the prednisone continues so make me hunt for food. My energy level is also abnormally high, so there are times when I go a bit stir crazy. Luckily, I have some very nice outlets to burn off some of that bountiful hyperness. My wieght has stayed the same fortunately, though I'm not quite sure if my face has not gotten a little more cheekiness to it in the past five weeks or so!

If I do get my colonoscopy sometime in the near future, I will definitely be posting pics! Fair warning to those who read this! Hah!

Comments Welcomed! 2 comments »


  1. Paula // March 4, 2010 at 4:11 AM  

    Ok..I can comment now too :D ... and I just figured out how to link you in so I can follow you now too :D

    Got to say, you really have been through the mill with UC. I found your Colitis History very interesting to read...sad though that you were only 17 when diagnosed though...

    I too fear that one of my kids will get this, but I'm the first ever inmy family to have this...no trace anywhere else..no IBS or IBD...nothing...just me...I'm the weakest link.

    I've just found last week that my out that my cortisone levels are low...due to the current lot of pred's sending it to sleep and I have a feeling that they may have been low for quite a while...like 6 months which may have lead to the onset of my latest flare-up. I think I'll stick a post up on that to see if anone recognises this cycle. You take care and congrats to you and your wife on the new pregnancy :D

  2. msmachine // March 6, 2010 at 10:42 PM  


    After a scope a couple of years ago (the first of many, and the first after some 10 years), I asked the doctor if I could have the CD. He didn't think I was very funny. I was sort of hoping he could burn me a CD.

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