Weaning Steroids

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Last week I went to my GI doc and gave him my 6 week ulcerative colitis update: bowel movements back to normal, occasional blood and mucus, but not too much. With the good news, he has started weaning me off my prednisone, downing my 20mg per day to 15mg per day. I am to wean 5mg every week until I am not taking the steroids any longer.

I still have to stay on my 3 Lialda daily, whereas I was at 2 daily prior to my UC flare-up. Funny thing last week was that my doc mentioned a colonoscopy 6 weeks ago, but not at my most recent appointment. It's strange I am actually going to have to request a colonoscopy. Whugh.

Anyways, next doc appointment is 6 months away, barring any further flare-ups. I have a hunch that the appointment then will yield a colonoscopy scheduling regardless if I call sooner or not. We will see.

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  1. Paula // May 17, 2010 at 4:18 AM  

    How'd you go with weaning....I'm sitting stuck at 20mgs..can't get down with bleeding.....it's a bugger :(

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